School lunch box inspiration

School lunch box inspiration

School lunch box inspiration

20 September 2019

How to: pack the bright colours and crispness of Canberra’s flora and fauna into a lunchbox

Ah, autumn in Canberra – freezing cold one day, perfect the next. 

As we start getting into the cooler months, it’s so easy to bring the colours and the fresh, crisp feeling of fun floral into your little one’s lunchbox. The idea is to make fresh healthy eating fun right?

After a quick whip through Woolworths and Aldi on the weekend – both under one roof, winning! – and a stop-in at Latorta, we’ve come up with these awesome options to truly capture ‘fun in a lunchbox’.

Lunchbox 1: The Stars Align

As the nights get cool, the sky is clear. Which means it’s the perfect time to star gaze outside. Pack this perfect school lunch for your little star.

Shopping list

  • Fresh rockmelon, Aldi, $2.99 each
  • Greek yoghurt, Aldd, $4.99 (pack of 9)
  • Corn cakes, Aldi, $1.79
  • Cherry tomatoes, Aldi, $2.79
  • Fruit trail mix, Aldi, $1.99 (pack of 6)
  • Fresh kiwifruit, Woolworths, $4/kilo
  • Celery and carrot, Woolworths
  • Sistema Bento Box, Woolworths, $15
  • Star-shaped cookie cutter, Latorta, $3.50

Lunchbox 2: The Floral Ultimate

This lunchbox has a gorgeous flower power theme – starring a flower cupcake and flower-shaped sandwiches, as well as the beautiful colours of seasonal kiwifruit and rockmelon.

Shopping list

  • Vanilla cupcake mix, Woolworths, $4.99
  • Fresh rockmelon, Aldi, $2.00 each
  • Cherry tomatoes, Aldi, $2.79
  • Fresh mango, Aldi, $3.49 each
  • Fresh kiwifruit, Woolworths, $4/kilo
  • Rose petal cake cutter, Latorta, $12.95
  • Sistema Bento Box, Woolworths, $15

Lunchbox 3: Autumn colours

Okay, so this lunchbox is less about greens and blues and more about the subdued colours of Autumn. Still super delicious though!

Shopping list

  • Fruit trail mix, Aldi, $1.99 (pack of 6)
  • Fresh mango, Aldi, $3.49 each
  • Cherry tomatoes, Aldi, $2.79
  • Red capsicum, Aldi, $5.99/kilo
  • Sesame snaps, Aldi, $1.39 (pack of 3)
  • Edam cheese bites, Aldi, $2.49 (pack of 6)
  • Sistema Bento Box, Woolworths, $15

BONUS Lunchbox 4: Super simple

We just had to throw this one for those parents and carers with limited time in the morning. But also to showcase the amazing school snacks available at Aldi! If you’re not shopping for lunchboxes at Aldi, you’re totally missing out!

Shopping list

  • Fruit trail mix, Aldi, $1.99 (pack of 6)
  • Fresh kiwifruit, Woolworths, $4/kilo
  • Popcorn, $2.49 (pack of 10)
  • Hommus dip, Aldi, $1.79 (pack of 3)
  • Brown crackers, Aldi, $1.29
  • Cherry tomatoes, Aldi, $2.79
  • Sesame snaps, Aldi, $1.39 (pack of 3)
  • Sistema Bento Box, Woolworths, $15
  • Sistema twist top bottle, $3

Woolworths trading hours
Monday to Sunday – 7am to 10pm.

Aldi trading hours
Monday to Sunday – 8.30am to 8pm.

Latorta trading hours
Monday to Thursday – 9am to 5.30pm
Friday – 9am to 7pm
Saturday – 9am to 4pm
Sunday – 10am to 4pm.

Please note that prices and product availability may vary and change at any time.